Oct 25, 2010

Noah's Compass by Anne Tyler

Widowed, re-married, divorced and the father of three daughters, Liam is a man who is proud of his recall, but something occurs to jolt him out of his certainty. Obsessed with a frightening gap in his memory, he sets out to uncover what happened.
His ex-wife and daughters worry about him so his teenage daughter Kitty is sent to stay - though it's not clear who is minding whom.
Noah's Compass is about memory and its loss, about incidents and relationships which open up sight lines into a painful past long dead for a man who becomes aware that merely trying to stay afloat may not be enough.
Considered a favourite author for many of our group, Anne Tyler has done it again. Her realistic characters and their relationships, if a little on the banal side, always seem to spawn a discussion that satisfies. This, her latest novel scored high with us and there were some who went back and read Noah for a second, even third time, finding more in the characters and their predicament with each reading. Now that's a dedicated novel reader!
If you have yet to try Tyler, why not add one to your summer reading list. A perfect choice for holiday reading is our recommendation.