May 11, 2009

Welcome to our adventure!

Well it's been a while coming, but Dapto Library is pushing the boundaries into blogging. Our Book Club is just busting to get out there, so here we are, ready to be part of your on-line life! We like nothing more than to share our reading experiences with anyone who'll listen and please comment on anything you read here ... that's what we're all about, discussion.

We read a different book each month, then meet at the library to discuss and well, pull it apart if need be, or praise it to the hilt, which ever it is to be.

And we certainly don't always agree.

Last month's book was a good example. When I picked Sean Dixon's The Last Days of Lacuna Cabal I figured we had a great little book here that would give most of us something to exclaim over. Well... this quirky little book left most of the group unimpressed. Some felt it had promise to begin with but the author soon bailed out half-way through, leaving the reader with nothing to really hold on to. Others found it hard going at first but discovered some light near the end.

The story focuses on a Montreal Book Club and the jostling of its members when the decision to read the ancient story of 'Gilgamesh' is tabled. It heralds the end of the Club and begins a journey for knowledge and companionship. If this book was meant to be an epic of 'Gilgamesh' proportions, our general opinion would have to be one of failure. But if you are looking for something a little off beat ... something with a dash of humour in a surreal form, then you may just be looking for Lacuna Cabal!

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